Kai Comms secures win of global change consultants account
Kai Communications

We are delighted to announce that Kai Communications is now working in partnership with change consultants and facilitators, Serenity in Leadership.
We look forward to shouting from the rooftops about the fantastic work that Thom Dennis and the rest of the team are doing as premier facilitators, change agents, executive coaches, trainers and professional speakers.
Thom Dennis and Serenity in Leadership are already internationally renowned facilitators who lead from forefront with pioneering techniques and programmes to help companies build responsible, resilient workplaces. Their core values are very much that businesses thrive when people thrive, and that responsible, resilient workplaces are created by embracing inclusion, diversity and equality. They strongly advocate that the best CEO’s, influencers and leaders need to work at a systemic level for real change beyond the tick box.
They also offer Covid 19 related support and advocate that having a flexible plan that prepares for today whilst also being ready for whatever tomorrow brings, as the world and workplace constantly changes, is key to coping and even growing during this time.
We are delighted to be working with Serenity in Leadership and hope to maximise engagement and outreach by publicising and creating awareness through a variety of multi-media. Specifically we aim to powerfully connect the brand and its core values with their target audience.