Our guide to being authentic on social media
Kai Communications

Article By Claire Fryer www.onetothree.co.uk
Social media, from a personal perspective, has been in the media a great deal lately, with influencers called out for photoshopping their images, celebrities being paid mega-bucks to promote products they most likely don’t use or believe in and the worrying statistics about the effect of social media on young peoples’ mental health.
One thing that all of these negative stories have in common is lack of authenticity.
Being authentic is one of the main pieces of advice I give to my clients – here are a few tips.
Be honest.
Don’t try to appear to be something you are not. As a team we work from our home offices, we have our monthly strategy meetings whilst walking our dogs and as well as business partners we are best friends. None of which sounds very ‘businessy’ does it?
However, we know from feedback it’s what our clients like about us – we are a bit different!
If you try to appear ‘corporate’ and you’re not, chances are you’ll get found out and that’s your reputation compromised.
Use video
Utilising video on social media is a great way to be authentic. Showing people the real you can be done so easily in front of the camera.
It’s important to ‘just be you’ – you’re not perfect (no-one is!) so don’t try to make your videos perfect either.
If you try to make your videos perfect you’ll never post them!
Taking the plunge with a live video is one of the best ways to really let ‘you’ shine – have something to say? Go live and say it!
Here’s a few tips for recording videos – live or otherwise!
- Prepare what you want to say. Don’t write a script necessarily (this will dampen the authenticity) but know what your point is so you don’t waffle!
- Record your video / live somewhere that is quiet enough that background noise won’t be an issue and where there won’t be loads of distractions.
- Check your appearance before you record (no sticking up hair or spinach in your teeth!!) but don’t obsess over looking perfect – this is you remember!
- Once your video is streaming or posted, don’t disappear. Be present to respond to comments and questions ‘in the moment.’
Keep it real!
Keeping it real will make it you relatable.
Stuck in traffic and late for a meeting? Share it.
Spilt coffee on your white top? Share it.
Had a totally unproductive day & wondering if you should give up? Share it.
All of the above will have happened to most human beings and by keeping it real and sharing the real journey you are on with your business, not the rose tinted version, will make you far more relatable.
What interests you?
I love my family, my dogs and walking and on occasion I’ll share some of this on my social media pages. The posts are always well received.
I’ll always bring it back to business – for example if I’m writing content and hit a brick wall, a walk with the dogs in the woods always clears my head and gets me back on track.
People buy people so by sharing some of your interests you are going to forge those online connections with like-minded people that might just lead to a business relationship.
Keep going!
So many businesses will shelve their own marketing when times are busy – big mistake! Keep going no matter how busy you are – even if it’s one post that week saying how manic you’ve been, sorry for not posting and you’ll be back on Monday!
A regular flow of ‘you’ will help people get to know the real you.