Why social media is the ultimate tool to use for getting your first job

Kai Communications

Why social media is the ultimate tool to use for getting your first job

By Lauren McNamara, PR Executive. It’s a well-known fact that students and millennials love their social media. From Facebook to Instagram, we’re always logged on. So it’s surprising that not that many of us actually take advantage of this as a business tool. Why not get yourself ahead by making your social media ready so that companies will be fighting to have you work for them.  Here’s how to make the best use out of social media if you want it to get you hired:


Did you know that most companies now check their potential employees’ social media before giving them the job nowadays? Scary stuff. So you don’t want them seeing dozens of club pictures of you with your tongue sticking out. You don’t have to completely zap the personality out of your social media, just make sure it’s business appropriate. 53 percent of hiring managers said they want to see if a candidate has a professional online persona before hiring them*. So watch out for inappropriate photos or references before leaving your Facebook profile public.


Twitter is a way for us to connect with some pretty influential people at the touch of a button. If you’ve got an account that follows Cheryl Cole and Gossip Girl, why not have a separate account that follows important people in the industry you’re interested in. That way, you can tweet about what you’re having for dinner tonight on one, without giving yourself an unprofessional reputation amongst professionals.

People on Twitter are responsive, so don’t be scared to reach out to people who you think can help you. Even if it’s just to give them a compliment or to get some advice, make that move and get a follow back. This form of networking is small, yet effective.


On LinkedIn, it’s easy to build up a successful CV and make yourself look incredibly professional. LinkedIn says that ‘the average CEO has 920 connections’. So if your LinkedIn is good enough to get seen by a CEO, the world is your oyster.

The connections with this are endless and it’s free to sign up. Not only this, but you’ll find that on LinkedIn people WILL reach out to you if they think you have something to offer them. Don’t be scared to connect with people and show off your skills that are valuable to companies you’re interested in. Making it look professional is key, as if you are the perfect candidate for a relevant job in your industry.

It’s easy enough to use social media to communicate with friends, but you should think about using it for other reasons too. Social media is a great way to get a head start in getting your first proper job in your twenties.

Reference Stats from LinkedIn

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